• 12 октября 2016, среда
  • Москва, ул. Остоженка 53/2 стр.1, Актовый зал

Лекция Ф. А. Гимареса "Отношения РФ и ЕС на современном этапе"

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Дипломатическая академия МИД России
2763 дня назад
12 октября 2016 c 16:00 до 17:30
ул. Остоженка 53/2 стр.1, Актовый зал

12 октября в 16.00 в рамках дискуссионного клуба международника состоится лекция на английском языке директора отдела России Представительства ЕС в Москве Фернандо Андресена Гимареса на тему: "Отношения РФ и ЕС на современном этапе"

12 октября в 16.00 в рамках дискуссионного клуба международника состоится лекция на английском языке директора отдела России Представительства ЕС в Москве Фернандо Андресена Гимареса на тему: "Отношения РФ и ЕС на современном этапе". 


He is currently serving in the European External Action Service as the Head of the Russia Division, since September 2015. Previously, he was the Head of the United States and Canada Division from October 2011 to August 2015, and the EEAS Advisor for multilateral relations. In 2010-2011, he headed the campaign task force to obtain new modalities governing the work of the EU as an observer in the UN General Assembly.

From 2004 to 2010, he was the Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the European Commission

After obtaining his International Baccalaureate at UWC Atlantic College, he completed his university studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science and was awarded a Ph.D. in International Relations in 1992. That year, he was retained by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and posted in New York at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, from 1996 as Counsellor, covering mainly political and Security Council affairs.

In April 2003, he joined the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, where he served in the Peacekeeping Best Practices Unit with responsibilities in peacekeeping policy and lessons learned. He was also the Secretary of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations.

In 1989, he began work in journalism as the London correspondent of Correio da Manhã Radio (Lisbon). From 1990 to 1991, he was a producer in the BBC World Service, Portuguese Section. He was a Chevening Scholar in 1998-1990 and received a scholarship from the Gulbenkian Foundation for his studies at the LSE.

He is a member of the Consultative Board of the international relations journal Relações Internacionais (Lisbon). His book The Origins of the Angolan Civil War: Foreign Intervention and Domestic Political Conflict was published by Macmillan Palgrave and St. Martin’s Press in 1998, revised 2001, and he has published numerous articles and reviews on international affairs.


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